Jenkins-The open source automation server.

Jenkins-The open source automation server.

In This Blog, we are going to discuss a few questions which every beginner wants to know.

Let's get started

Q.1) What is Jenkins?

Answer:- Jenkins is an open-source free automation tool used to build and test software projects. The tool makes it painless for developers to integrate changes to the project.

Q.2) What are the features of Jenkins?


  • It is a free and open-source automation tool

  • Jenkins provides a vast number of plugins

  • It is easy to set up and install on multiple operating systems

  • Provides pipeline support

  • Fast release cycles

  • Easy upgrades

Q.3) What are the differences between Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment?


Continuous IntegrationContinuous DeliveryContinuous Deployment
Continuous Integration (CI) is a DevOps software development practice that permits developers to combine/merge the changes to their code in the central repository to run automated builds and tests.Continuous Delivery (CD) refers to the building, testing, and delivering improvements to the software code. The most critical part of the CD is that the code is always in a deployable state.Continuous Deployment (CD) is the ultimate stage in the DevOps pipeline. It refers to the automatic release of any developer changes from the repository to the production stage.

Q.4) What is a CI/CD pipeline?

Answer:- CI/CD Pipeline or Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery is considered the DevOps approach's backbone. The pipeline is responsible for building codes, running tests, and deploying new software versions.

Q.5) Name the two components that Jenkins is mostly integrated with.

Answer:- Jenkins is typically integrated with these two components:

  1. Version Control systems like Git and SVN (Apache Subversion)

  2. Build tools like Maven

Let's take Some questions which may have come to your mind.

Q.6) Let's say there is a broken build in the Jenkins project, then what can be done?

Answer:- Initially, you will have to open the console output where the broken builds are created and then figure it out if any file changes were missed. In case there are no issues found there, then you will need to update your local workspace, replicate the problem, and then try to solve it.

Q.7) Can we make multiple Pipelines in Jenkins? If Yes, What is the process of making a Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins?

Answer:- Yes we can make multiple Pipelines in Jenkins.

To create a Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins, follow the following steps:

  • Open the Jenkins dashboard and create a new item by clicking on 'new item'

  • Enter the project name and, from the options, select 'Multibranch pipeline'

  • Click on OK

    • Then select the repository location, and branch source (GitHub/Bitbucket), and add the branch source credentials.

    • Save the project

    • Now, Jenkins automatically creates new Multibranch Pipelines for repositories

    • Then to connect to the GitHub repo, we need the HookURL

    • To get this URL from the repository settings, add this HookURL to the Webhooks section

    • Once the jobs are created, Jenkins will automatically trigger the build

Q.8) Explain Kubernetes, and how can you integrate Jenkins with Kubernetes.


  • Kubernetes is a portable and open-source platform that is used for managing workloads and services that are containerized.

  • With the help of Kubernetes, the group of hosts running the Linux containers can be easily and efficiently managed.

  • To manage a Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline, the most efficient way is to deploy Jenkins with Kubernetes Engine.

  • Kubernetes enables the creation of multiple container instances to satisfy more fault tolerance.

  • Kubernetes deploy plug may be used with Jenkins for Continuous Deployment.

Q.9) What is the process to integrate Git with Jenkins?


To integrate Git with Jenkins, you can follow the following steps:

  • First, create a new Jenkins job and open the Jenkins dashboard.

  • Now, enter the desired project name and select the job type.

  • Click on OK.

  • Then enter the project information.

  • After that, visit the 'Source Code Management tab.

    • If the Git plugin is pre-installed in Jenkins, there will be 'Git'.

    • If it is not installed, you must reinstall the plugins (GitHub plugin, GitHub Branch Source plugin, GitHub API plugin, Git client plugin, etc.).

    • After we install the plugins, restart Jenkins.

    • To check if Git is installed, you can go to Command Prompt and type Git, and you would see various options like usage, version, help, etc.

Q.10) Explain the process in which Jenkins works.

Answer:- Here’s the process in which Jenkins works:

  • Jenkins checks changes in repositories regularly, and developers must secure their code regularly.

  • Once the changes are defined, Jenkins detects them and uses them to prepare a new build.

  • After that, Jenkins will transverse through various stages in its usual pipeline. As one stage completes, the process will move further on to the next stage.

  • If a stage fails, the Jenkins build will stop there, and the software will email the team using it. When completed successfully, the code implements itself in the proper server so that testing begins.

  • After the successful testing phase, Jenkins shares the results with the team using it.

These Questions and answers are also asked in Interviews. So these questions might help you in Interview.

Good luck.